UGH. I am so tired of posting vacation pictures.
So I'm skipping most of the reunion, Zion's National,
church historic sites, crazy Hasleton people,
& just getting on with it.
Below is Jared & PJ at Zion's on the Weeping Rock hike.
It was gorgeous. I really wish we could have done more,
but with a late start, my kids & I were done a little after 1 pm.
An awesome water park where the St. George
library used to be. Right next to the Tabernacle.
We walked out from taking a tour at the TAB &
let the boys play in their undies. There was
another one behind it that was designed
to look like the canyon.
Why can't Sac have cool things like this?
Our water parks are only ok.
All of us at the VC!! I have so many pics
from my mission standing in front of this Christus statue.
Now it's my family :)
They loved me so much as a Sister missionary
that they keep in touch. My nickname they gave me is Sis Imp.
(I was a little playful in the VC when
things got slow. Can you imagine?) We stopped by
to see them on our way down to St. George from Provo.
If you've never been to this site before, I totally suggest it.
Lots of great stuff there. Pres. Hinckley's Grandparents
were in charge of it. & the only shot ever fired
went into his dad's leg.
Awesome stuff.
Awesome people.
Brothers & sister saying goodbye.
I don't know how many tears were shed
that week saying good bye to our family
who was off to some far away state.
We miss you all already.
Now to my favorite family in St. George. The Timothy family.
There's a bit of a story here. Hope you have the time,
I'll try to keep it short. My companion at the time,
Sister Villarete, her & I had a dinner appointment
at the Timothy's house. Trena (mom/wife) was a member,
Shaun (husband/dad) was not. Her parents were there, it was fun.
They already had 2 kids & another on the way.
We were told not to even try talking to Shaun about the church.
It was a sensitive subject. Shaun seemed a little rough
around the edges, we heeded the advice.
So a few weeks later, S. Villarete & I were walking
home at the end of a day. We were almost home when
we both stopped, looked at each other,
& said, "Did you feel that?" The spirit had told us
to go to the Timothy's house. Wondering why, & anxious
about the time, we turned around & went.
Knocked on their door where an angry Shaun
answered and yelled at us "Why are you knocking on my door?"
We said we felt that we should stop by to see how they were doing.
He told us to come back tomorrow night then slammed the door.
We were a little confused, but went back the next evening.
Sis. Villarete & I taught what most people
would know as the 2nd discussion. Shaun just sat
there with his arms folded, staring at us as if we weren't welcome.
So we get to the end.
"Shaun, do you believe in the Holy Ghost?"
"Do you feel it's important to be baptized?"
"Will you be baptized?"
Trena was sitting there crying, Shaun with no look on his face,
& 2 bewildered missionaries. We asked what had changed.
He proceeded to tell us that the previous night he & Trena
had been fighting about him not being a member.
He said, "I need something from God to tell me to join."
That's when our knock came on the door.
And that was it. He took his "sign" & got baptized
quickly after that discussion. Then Jared & I got to
drive out to SLC a year later to watch them &
their family be sealed for all time & Eternity.
They now have 5 kids, Shaun is the Elder's Q pres.,
& we love to see them! It was a lot of fun as
Trena cooked a yummy dinner, the kids played, we joked.
Such good times.
I'm grateful for experiences like this.
I had several baptisms on my mission, all were wonderful.
But Shaun's story sticks out as my favorite.
The night Sis Villarete & I heard a voice whisper to us.
Then we drove 12 or so hours home.
It was a great vacation. Much was learned.
I wish I could record everything. Especially Grandpa's
stories about wearing potato sack underwear.
Back to real life it is.